Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Seismic Santorini

 The Greek island of Santorini. Renowned for its amazing sunsets*, besieged by thousands of tourists and cruise ships all year long

Over half of it's residents and all tourists have been evacuated as continuous seismic tremors shake the island.  The nearby islands of Amorgos, Ios and Anafyi are also along the same fault line  

Schools are closed and people are being warned to keep away from cliffs faces, especially on Santorini as rock falls and landslides occur.

The tremors are continual since Saturday, increasing to over 5 on the richter scale.

Experts naturally are monitoring the situation. But really, who knows. They wait for the worst.

Emergency services are in position on all these islands and residents given instruction on how to protect themselves.

The last big earthquake was 7.7 in 1956. They're used to earthquakes but not these constant tremors.

Santorini is an extinct volcano.

The volcano erupted in 1600BC. It was one of the largest volcanic explosions in human history. It is thought that the volcanic cloud and tsunami wiped out Minoan civilisation on Crete. Was this when the island state of Atlantis was destroyed?

These earthquakes are not thought to be linked to volcanic activity.  By some experts.

*Poros too has awesome sunsets over the harbour and mountain known as 'The Sleeping Lady'.


  1. I have been following this on the news websites here. It must be very frightening for the residents, not knowing what will happen next.
    I hope the Earth soon quiets itself and goes back to sleep.

    1. They were hoping it would have slowed down by now but no. And there are rumours of underwater volcanic movement. I hope that's wrong!

  2. It's frightening. I hope it settles down soon.

    1. Poor Santorini people. Waiting and hoping and meanwhile they're without homes or income

  3. I always get my news from you. Nothing on our television. Fingers crossed it settles down quickly

    1. It's still continuing. Whatever happens the people will suffer for a while. Greek Easter tourism will be zero and summer tourism way down

  4. Usually volcanos give no warning, so maybe the tremors will remain just that, then die down again. Fingers are crossed.

    1. I hope you're right! Any sort of eruption would probably affect us too. Apparently there are 2 underwater craters which are moving. It's still continuing this morning

  5. I hadn't read about Santorini. We've been there twice, the second time we stayed for a week. I'm glad we are not there now! Hopefully it will settle.
