Monday, 10 February 2025


This week in Greece.

- Ex Prince Nikolas of the long deposed Greek royal family was married in Athens, to the daughter of a ship-owner. Wealth and titles go together.

The family name was Glucksberg. Doesn't sound very Greek.  They are related to the Danish, Spanish and English royal families. None of the 'greek' royals were ethnically Greek. 

They were exiled in 1974 and  stripped of Greek citizenship in 1994.  

To regain their Greek citizenship they recently renounced their titles and changed the name to De Grèce, of the Greeks.  Very clever. It sounds grand, Nikolas De Grèce, but he's just an ordinary Greek citizen. 


The usual. Party differences.

Strikes, protest marches

It's been a while since  there's been rioting, Molotov cocktails, the ripping up and throwing of marble paving stones. Maybe the anarchists are waiting for spring. 

- Turkish threats.  Dear old Erdogan, President of Turkey, has been redefining his borders once again. This time he's including Greece's northern capital of Thessaloniki.

Erdogan is dreaming of a 2nd Ottoman Empire which he calls the Blue Homeland.  He fantasizes a great and powerful  Turkey stretching from Crimea to Samarkand (a city now  in Uzbekistan). With him as all powerful Sultan.  In your dreams mate 

- A month ago churches in the Cycladic islands were holding liturgies for some rain. Now they're holding services for the end to the still constant earthquakes.

'Experts' are monitoring the quakes. The ones I listen to on YouTube are waiting to see what happens during the full moon on Wednesday.

A full moon supposedly puts more stress on the earth's crust and could cause the shift of tectonic plates. 

The other night when I couldn't sleep I started listening to a live stream covering a 7.5 earthquake around Honduras and the Cayman islands. They were sending out warnings about a tsunami.

The next morning there was no mention of earthquakes or tsunamis down there.  I haven't googled but I presume there was no tsunami, not much damage and no deaths. No drama so no news.

🎶 boomerang won't come back.

Don't worry, we've got 5 more of them. 
Thank you nephew Panayioti. He's captain of a merchant navy ship, lately in Australian waters. He didn't forget his foreign aunt. Thanks Pano! 

The first sign of spring up at the ancient ruins. An almond  tree in blossom

An Anemone

A meeting of the
Fan Club 
Welcome Ada, my latest follower. Here flanked by no. 1 fans Elli and Danae. 

Poppi is in Athens.  More about her later. 


  1. A full news week. Lots going on down your way.
    Your fan club has some very stylish ladies as members!

    1. The ladies who coffee. When there's a bit of sunshine

  2. Erdogan is a pain in the ar*e. Why can't these people be satisfied with what they have?

    1. We don't need more tension in the area. He can't keep quiet. Just when greek-turkish relations seems to be calm and friendly he spouts some ridiculous rhetoric. So far he's all bark and no bite

  3. There are too many would-be rulers of the world at present. Is it time for civil war?

  4. Greece in spring sounds lovely
    All the royals are related. They like to keep their wealth in the family. Too bad inbreeding almost lost them their heirs.
    As for politicians having delusions of grandeur, it seems it’s going round like covid did. Let’s pray all their blustering is all talk and no action

  5. oh I wish I could join your fan club in person, I would bring along some Kiwi toffee pops and mallowpuffs.
