Wednesday 3 July 2024


Broken water pipes and a road of potholes and trenches.
Thats been the story of our little cul de sac for the past 3 years

Fountains provided daily water to the wild goats


After endless pipe patching all the piping from one end to the other was eventually replaced. 
The goats moved on to other water sources.  I had got used to them making strange noises in the night while clambouring up the wall and pruning our lemon trees. I miss them. 

When pipes were laid and trenches closed we were promised the road would be tar sealed and we waited. 
Local elections gave us a change of Mayor. 
Same story. Next Monday, next week. 
Maybe they'd concrete the house entrances instead.

 Well, last week the bulldozer arrived and edges were smoothed out.  All the trees hanging over walls were severely pruned. I was so happy about that. Dodging overhanging branches while riding a motorbike can be a bit dicy, especially when road edges are an obstacle course. 

We parked the car at the top of the road. K made many phone calls to neighbours and kept everyone up to date with developments. 
It didn't happen quite on the day it was supposed to. But the road was finally covered in tar and sealed. 

Just look at this!! 
It took the 2 councils over 3 years to solve our wee problem but it's done. 

All thanks to K I might add. If he hadn't phoned them weekly over those years, accosted Mayor's and Councillors, accused them of treating us like 2nd class citizens, then the goats would still be enjoying their watering hole and we would be worrying about water metres and grumbling about water waste. 

It was all done in one day by a cheerful crew in blistering midday sun. K hovered to make sure it was all done correctly. By late afternoon we were driving over it. No melting tar, no dirty sandals. 

The road, without the hanging branches and with a smooth seal out to the edges is half as wide again. 

5 households have every reason to say 


  1. Super....worth waiting for..x

  2. That looks pretty good. Hats off to them for being able to do such a good job in the heat without melt or it not working all but then I suppose being Greece the right techniques are known.

    1. Those guys did the road in the middle of the day. They wouldn't even take extra water we offered. Hard work which they're used to obviously.
      And yes, it was amazing how quick it set. No melt at all. No mess

  3. Replies
    1. I'm jumping for joy. Our front entrance was a bit rocky.

  4. You won't know yourselves! K's persistence deserves a pat on the back :)

    1. A job well done by workers and management lol

  5. It looks fabulous. The squeaky wheel does get the oil. Good on you K

    1. The wheels on the bus go squeak squeak squeak 😅

  6. Fantastic it is finally done, well done K!!

    1. He's great at getting his orders carried out. Ex Navy!

  7. Three years isn't bad, we've been waiting for five years for certain repairs. We've now given up all hope.

  8. Well worth the wait, it looks great!

  9. Wow - get out your skate boards! Isn't a new road the most wonderful thing.😃

    1. I sort of want to get out there every morning and admire it all. Looks terrific

    2. Best road in town I guess. The envy of all. Enjoy before the goats return and get a taste for new tar seal!

  10. Yaaa to a decent road and no water fountains! Sad about the goats moving on.

  11. it's good that it finally all got done but it's annoying how red tape and people get in the way.
