Friday 3 May 2024

The Pig..

 It looks as though K has closed the deal on the suckling pig. We were humming and haa-ing about spit roasting a whole pig for our summer visitors . We need to show them a genuine Greek feast but the smallest pig he could find was around 16 kilos. That would mean quite a few kilos of leftover pork even if everyone took home doggy bags. I can't imagine they'll want to take cold fatty pork back to their hotel rooms to eat for breakfast.  Good coffee and a hot cheese pie whilst sitting  on a balcony overlooking the Aegean sea will be more acceptable the morning after.

The pig will be slaughtered a few days before they all arrive and Ks friend will keep it in his big fridge. He's assured us this one won't be more than 12 kilos, head, trotters and all.

Now another problem has popped up. They arrive at the beginning of June and the fire ban will be in full swing. Smoke from our BBQ will attract the fire department and we will have a fire engine, siren shrieking, tearing down our cul de sac.

K will now have to negotiate with the fire department. We might need a 16 kilo pig after all so we can have a fire engine on stand-by outside the house and feed the crew.

Or we will get it roasted, in the oven, not on the spit, at the rustic taverna up the road. 

Negotiations continue......

The man who sells the pig also roasts pigs. We could get it delivered ready cooked.

Or, our fire fighter friend says we can bbq as long we have a hose and a fire extinguisher nearby.

At the moment K is deep in Easter lamb deliberations. Will we have traditional kokoretsi (innards covered with intestines) spit roasted alongside the lamb.  And what about those in the family that don't eat lamb or offal? Some prefer goat, others would appreciate a bit of chicken. Every year it's the same and every year it turns into a greek drama. 

Serious business .  The big day is this Sunday . Then he can get back to the pig.



  1. My conscience tells me I should be vegetarian....but the carnivore in me allways wins....not quite evolved enough yet....😍

    1. Humans have been eating meat for many thousands of years. It's our natural diet. Eat meat and keep strong!

  2. Rainy and Tony are getting so excited

    1. Not long now. You'll be seeing photos of them beside the bbqed pig 😊

  3. Oh, so much roasted MEAT! My tummy is rumbling

    1. When you're here eating a greek feast you're not expected to eat the whole pig yourself. Ill let you have a wee bit of salad, and tzatziki and feta and pita and octopus and with a bit of ouzo you'll be waddling home happily!

  4. I can sell you a pig. Barter is a currency I gladly accept. A ready cooked/roasted pig does sound a good idea. But will it be warm?

  5. A home grown Irish pig! Now that would be something to write about 😀

  6. It’s all these dramas that make me want to skip the whole thing. I’d definitely would get the pig already cooked. Then all I have to do. Is well everything else!
    Kali anastasi

    1. I agree with you 100 percent. I'm just hoping he will finally choose that option but he won't listen to me. I have to keep quiet and let it happen

  7. Some of the offerings sound really good, can't include the traditional kokoretsi in that!! The extras you mentioned to Jay Cee sound very yummy!

    1. I usually don't like offal but I do eat the Easter soup and the kokoretsi. It's not so bad all cut up and roasted

  8. I once roasted a whole lamb (I had a man do it for us), and I recently tried to buy a whole kid from our local goat cheese maker; but there was a queue of people ordering them. I gave-up. I don't think I'd dare do a whole pig. The left-overs would be a nightmare.

    1. I really hope there are not too many leftovers. They're always a nightmare especially as k orders enough to feed half the island. It takes us months to empty the freezer again

  9. Posts like this make me hungry. I can only imagine the wonderful atmosphere that will be around your house in the summer.

    1. It will be wonderful to see my family. We don't need food, maybe a little to drink, to have the best of times

  10. Oh, the decisions! Hopefully it will all turn out right in the end :)

    1. It always turns out fine but we do like drama here!

  11. I love the idea of buying in a few extra kilos and 'negotiating' with the fire dept! It all sounds so wonderfully easy going. Some great celebrations to come. Have fun.

    1. I'm sure it will be fun. After the drama
