Thursday, 7 June 2018


The island is being spruced up for an influx of athletes, their back-up teams, girlfriends/boyfriends and fans of these sports people hardy enough to swim, bicycle and run in this summer heat.

It used to be the boat show at the end of May that caused this sudden spurt of activity by the municipality.  Somewhere in the last few years we lost the boat show.   Million dollar boat owners were not  impressed by our lack of co-ordination and preparation I heard.  Little plastic gates attached to the rubbish bins, and a sudden appearance of colourful plants along the waterfront were not enough, although I thought the kilometre of red carpet in front of the parked yachts was quite impressive and one year we got a few yards of it before they threw it out after the exhibition.

I have just come back up the mountain after some early morning shopping.  Someone was out strimming all the long dry grass along the edges of the road and three sweepers wearing orange vests and wielding big long brooms were cleaning up behind him.  Further up was a lorry parked watching the activity.   Five watched, four worked.

A week or so ago all the potholes were patched-up along the roads to be traversed by the atheletes.  

Main roads all over the island will be closed for the three or four hours the events take place on Saturday and Sunday. As Poros has very few roads this means the island will be on lock-down. Last year I almost got stuck in the middle of the mountain.  This year I know what's happening and when.  The children and the grandchildren are either volunteers or taking part so we've been warned where and when we can move.

There is a wedding taking place at a small church along the bay at 6pm on Saturday.  I presume everyone will be coming and going by boat because the roads are closed from 5-9pm.  The jetty there though is almost non existent.  I hope the bride and groom have a plan B

St Sofia Love Bay

The big supermarket has sold hundreds of bottles of water with athletic 'nipples' to be given to the contestants.  I asked my nephew if he would get a bonus for such unexpected sales.  No. no, no.

You'll be hearing about all this I'm sure!


  1. For a small island you have a lot going on. Just make sure you're where you want to be, and not stuck. Enjoy.

    1. In the summer there are concerts and sports events, exhibitions.

  2. Exciting times!!!!! :-)

    Glad you know this year, and won't get stuck, over the mountain. Eeeeekkkkk!

    We have a biggg Flag Day Parade here tomorrow, and traffic will be clogged a bit, by that. :-) They form some of it, up here where we live, so we know, not to try to venture out.

    1. Next events will be summer concerts and exhibitions. We do have a decent cultural life in the summer, including roof top cinema

  3. Whatever it takes to get the authorities to make things better on the island I say go for it
    A few days pain but the roads will be much better for a long time
    I look forward to pics of the event

    1. Yes, thank goodness we do get repairs and upgrades when the island is going to get a bit of publicity

  4. The mind boggles at the term 'athletic nipples'. Are they the ones you can pull out and push in??

    And you must tell us how the wedding went .

    You are right about some teachers passing on a passion. My primary teacher was Miss Lacey - early 1950s she encouraged us girls at a time when boys were thought to be the ones who would go on to further ed. English Lit became my favourite class and with it a love of books and poetry. I think de la Mare (who wrote prolifically) was popular because he didn't write complex poems - short sentences, understandable words.
    Do you remember the spooky one - The Listners? "Is anybody there" said the traveller.

    1. I couldn't think of another word but 'athletic nipple' is what it looks like!!! Yes, pull out and push in.

      Will hear about the wedding tonight I think

  5. Send those pothole-fillers over here, if you have finished with them, we are in dire need. Drive along any lane here and you can't go in a straight line, if you want to miss the deeeeeeeep potholes.

    That looks like a beautiful location for a wedding, I hope the logistics work for them.
    Last time I checked on my nipples they had gone for a long ramble.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    1. Athletic nipples are only for the young!!!

  6. Must keep a look out for those athletic nipples!! Sounds like a busy day on your 'peaceful' island. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. It was a very busy day as you'll see on my next post!

  7. wow there's alot going on there, I've never heard of athletic nipples though, makes me laugh trying to imagine what they look like.

    1. I must google and see what they are really called!
