Saturday, 3 December 2016

spot the dog

More recycling. No not Spot but his throne. 

Spot relaxes in his royal chair

The royal bottom sits on a throne made from old pallets, old broken furniture and padded with cast off blankets. Spot is a 9 year old fox terrier (pronounced in greek as terr-iere as in derriere).  He's a beloved family dog and has grown up with the three grandchildren.

He's a Greek dog so he doesn't  'woof woof', but 'guvv guvvs'. Besides chasing cats up trees his talent is vacuuming up crumbs, very handy when the tiled floors are covered in their winter rugs.

As a watch dog he's rather useless. He barks when the robbers leave with their booty not as they arrive panting up two flights of steps.

His place in the winter household is as close to the fire as possible without his fur lighting up.

Spot the happy hot-dog  


  1. what a cute dog, here the dogs bark "how how",in Hebrew:)

    1. I love the way dogs speak foreign languages lol. I remember how I laughed when I first realised that. Dogs, frogs, roosters, turkeys all make 'different noises' here. How how. I'll try that on Spot and see what he does!!!

  2. He looks like a well-loved dog! I love how he positions himself so close to the fire. -Jenn

  3. He just loves that fire. You'd think he'd get a hot bottom but he just can't get close enough

  4. Aww Spot, you are a beautiful gentleman.
    He reminds me of a Welsh Terrier, loyal and loves people....
    He surely loves his fire :)

    1. I think spot loves us....that long face is adorable

  5. Spot is a gorgeous looking bundle of fur xx

    1. He's a great dog. We dog sit him now again. He's a gruff gentleman

  6. Replies
    1. He's a family dog but will give you a good work out when he's racing along the beach, confronting anyone and everything and terrorising the local cays

  7. Think there was a cartoon called Spot? He sounds like my Jack Russell Fido. She talks with an Irish accent (I am joking)and is always lying on the tiles over the pipes next to the range.

    1. Spot was the hero of a kids book when the grandchildren were young but I think there was a TV series too. Jack Russell's are feisty little dogs too. My brother has one

  8. Very spoilt master of the house lol he is very cute indeed
